The official FEMA Preliminary Maps appeal/comments period runs from March 3, 2021, to June 1, 2021.
The official FEMA Preliminary Maps appeal/comments period runs from March 3, 2021, to June 1, 2021.
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
City of Venice
EMA’s Preliminary Maps are available for review through FEMA’s website
The Official FEMA Preliminary Maps appeal/comments period runs from March 3, 2021 to June 1, 2021. This is the opportunity to file an appeal or make any comments.
Visit FEMA’s website then select State, County, then Community. Scroll down to view the folder marked Preliminary Maps. It will expand and have a number of pdfs to download. Unfortunately, the maps are not labelled by each section of the City so you may need to pull multiple panels to find your property. If you have any questions locating your property please call Christina Rimes (contact information in side bar).
A form has been provided by FEMA with instruction on the appeal and comment process, open the document FEMA Preliminary Maps Appeal and Comment Process. If you have any questions please call Christina Rimes or Kathleen Weeden (contact in sidebar).
NFIP Map Changes and Flood Insurance F-P2019
2021-02-17 Letter from FEMA to City Manager re Appeal Period
FEMA Preliminary Maps Appeal and Comment Process
All of Florida is at risk for a flood. Do you know your flood risk? Visit our flood map web page to see the current map or see the Proposed Map vs. Current Flood Map. To activate the slider, click the 3rd button in the bottom left corner. The left map is the new map and the right map is the old one. It helps to turn off the effective map layer for a better view of the new map since it seems to appear on the left side as well.
You can also call our staff, visit city hall, go to the open house listed below or visit FEMA’s website for more information.
FEMA partnered with local government to host Flood Risk Open Houses in early March 2020 to help residents learn about the newly updated flood maps. Even though FEMA finished their open houses we will still have another public meeting to answer any questions our residents may have.
The next public meeting was scheduled for March 26 2020. However, due to recent events with the Novel Corona virus it has been postponed. Check back later for updates! In the meantime for more information you can contact our staff, FEMA’s staff (1-877-336-2627) or read the links below.
Don’t forget to see our FAQ page
Also check out Sarasota County’s web page!
Flooding is the number one most common and costly natural disaster in the United States. It is vital that property owners understand their risk and take advantage of the tools and programs available to them, including flood insurance. The FIRM and the associated Flood Insurance Study report are used by flood insurance companies to determine flood insurance requirements and costs.
To learn how FEMA makes these flood maps see the video!
You can also speak with our staff or a FEMA map specialist if you have any questions.
FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange (FMIX) at 1-877-336-2627.