Suncoast man charged with trafficking Fentanyl, spits Cocaine in deputy’s face  




Suncoast man charged with trafficking Fentanyl, spits Cocaine in deputy’s face – Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC






Just before 8pm, deputies responded to a call in reference to a homeless camp occupying a wooded vacant lot located in the 19000 block of Veterans Blvd. This property has a blanket trespass and has been known to produce complaints of narcotic activity.

When deputies entered the wooded lot, they noticed several tents and personal property. Exiting one of those tents was Kenneth T. Glenn ( 01/17/1963). Once Glenn made eye contact with deputies, his demeanor shifted. Glenn begun pacing and it became apparent that he was attempting to conceal an object behind his leg. Inside the tent behind Glenn was a smoking pipe. When asked what he was hiding, he took off running.


Deputies pursued Glenn while giving verbal commands to stop running. Glenn continued on until members located him wedged between multiple peppertree vines laying on his back. Glenn was removed from the vines and brought both hands to the front of his body revealing a canister that contained two plastic baggies. At this time, Glenn quickly shoved both baggies into this mouth and attempted to swallow the contents.


While attempting to remove the contents, Glenn opened his mouth and spit the contents directly into the face of a deputy. The baggies and canister which contained two more baggies were collected as evidence. The contents inside the 4 baggies were separately identified as Cocaine and a Methamphetamine/Fentanyl mix.


Both Glenn and the deputy were checked by medical professionals. The deputy was uninjured.


Kenneth T. Glenn was arrested and charged on the following:

  • Possession Controlled Sub WO Prescription
  • Possession Controlled Sub WO Prescription
  • Possession Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine – Possess with Intent to Sell
  • Cocaine – Possess with Intent to Sell
  • Drug Paraphernalia – Possession or Use Of
  • Resisting Officer with Violence