#Sarasota: Town Hall meeting with Sarasota County School Board Superintendent Dr Asplen




Town Hall meeting with Sarasota County School Board Superintendent Dr Asplen

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Riverview High School
1 Ram Way
Sarasota FL 34231

“Sarasota County Schools
Town Hall Meeting – SCS – Riverview

Apr. 28, 2021
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM


School Board Members in Attendance


Those attending the meeting in-person will be required to wear a face mask and follow social distancing rules. Please bring your smartphone, as we will be collecting information using a special interactive software.


There is also the option to attend and provide feedback remotely via a one-way broadcast. The remote access URL will be available on the school district’s website calendar, as well as a slide on the school district’s website.
I have also included it here for your convenience: https://sarasotacountyschools.zoom.us/j/89734766457Please note, the link will go live at the start of the Town Hall meeting.” sourced from https://www.sarasotacountyschools.net/