Sarasota Police Department Marine Patrol Safety Reminders
Sarasota Police Department Marine Patrol Safety Reminders
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
The Sarasota Police Department wants to remind people who are planning to spend time on the water in a marine vessel with the warmer weather arriving, that officers are seeing an increase in marine life. The increase in marine life includes manatees, sea turtles, and dolphins.
Sarasota Police officers want to remind boaters to be cognizant of the signage on the water and what zone they are in. It is the vessel operators responsibility to always know when to go fast, when it is an idle speed zone and when it is a slow speed zone and when you’re in a manatee zone. All these zones carry with them infractions.
Normally within 300 feet of a boat ramp, it is always a manatee zone. Officers want to remind boaters to be aware of what zone they are in and to remember to slow down.