Model Exposes Social Media COVID Vaccine Propaganda Campaign Paid For By J&J & YouTube
Model Exposes Social Media COVID Vaccine Propaganda Campaign Paid For By J&J & YouTube
by Kelen McBreen
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Instagram user brittlynnrising, a commercial print model and “Personal Transformation Coach,” recently exposed efforts by the Vaccine Confidence Project to propagandize social media users into taking the experimental COVID-19 vaccine.
In the video, she explained how she has been getting notifications from the pro-vaccination campaign “as a model where this production house is picking out minorities to come forward and be paid $2,500 to talk about why they’re excited to get the vaccine.”
She provides screenshots of the emails being sent to hopeful participants, asking them to help reduce hesitancy and encourage people to take the jab.
A website called Casting Networks, which is used to book models, actors, directors and more, is sending messages to actors and models for work on a commercial (PSA) aimed at pushing the vaccine.
The website is being used by the “YouTube marketing team,” who is looking for a cast in “a global vaccine campaign to help reduce hesitance.”
YouTube says they’ve partnered with the Vaccine Confidence Project (VCP), which is literally a propaganda arm of Big Pharma.
Under the “Partners & Funders” section of the VCP website, a list of top globalist organizations can be found.
Funding the propaganda effort are companies like GlaxoCmithKline, Merck and even COVID-19 vaccine-producer Johnson & Johnson.
Partnered with the group are the CDC, the Imperial College of London, the International Vaccine Institute, the WHO and many others.

The model’s emails revealed the pro-vaccine campaign contacted her because of her race.
A screenshot reads, “Seeking Native American / First People Voices.”
This is not a surprise as the Biden administration has frequently admitted they are spending billions of dollars to influence minorities to take the vaccine.
Meanwhile, the establishment tries to twist reality by claiming “anti-vaxxers” are targeting the black community and exploiting their vaccine hesitancy.
“Our research has also found anti-vaxxers using social media platforms to target Black Americans, exploiting higher rates of vaccine hesitancy in that community to spread conspiracies and lies about the safety of Covid vaccines,” a report cited by Democrat Senators reads.
Welcome to 1984!