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America Lost Its Religion: Church Membership Plunges Below 50% For First Time

by Zero Hedge
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Americans’ faith in organized religion continues to trend down at an accelerated pace.


A new poll from Gallup shows for the first time since the public opinion polling company began asking questions in 1937, the number of Americans who view themselves as members of a church, synagogue, or mosque has plunged below 50%. Keep in mind, in 1937, when Gallup first asked the question, 73% went to church, synagogue, or mosque.

America is losing its religion, and this trend of a more secular state has been accelerating since the Dot Com Bust (the early 2000s). The poll found 47% of Americans said they were a part of a church, synagogue, or mosque, down from 50% in 2018 and 70% in 1999.


The gradual decline of Americans losing their religion began in the 1950s and rapidly accelerated in the early 2000s. America’s unique combination of wealth (status quo power) and worship during the 20th century appears to be unraveling in the 21st century.


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