WHO Claims There’s A Covid “Resurgence” In Europe

WHO Claims There’s A Covid “Resurgence” In Europe
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino
The World Health Organization unsurprisingly is claiming that there has been a COVID-19 “resurgence” in Europe.
Perfect timing as people all over reject the vaccine and wake up to the whole scamdemic hoax.
The ruling class will not give this up. We need to make sure we are educated and use discernment because we know they need our fear in order to enslave us. Without fear, people won’t willingly fasten the chains of their own oppression around their necks and the necks of their neighbors.
According to mainstream media propaganda outlets, we all need to cower in fear as the common cold makes a comeback. The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeing a resurgence of COVID-19 cases in central and eastern Europe, as well as a rise of new cases in several western European countries, the head of its European office, said on Thursday, reported Reuters.
“Continued strain on our hospitals and health workers is being met with acts of medical solidarity between European neighbors. Nonetheless, over a year into the pandemic our health systems should not be in this situation,” Hans Kluge told reporters.
“Medical solidarity” can obviously be translated to “medical slavery.” Just wait until they announce which new variant is “attacking” the public.
While it is very positive that vaccinations continue at a steady pace, “we are denying the gravity of the situation before us,” particularly concerning the more-transmissible variant first identified in the United Kingdom, said Michael Osterholm on CNN’s “New Day.” Osterholm is the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.
And then the tyrants actually have the guts to tell us the truth. “It’s not going to be good,” Osterholm says “with certainty.” He said that the number of people currently vaccinated and those previously infected who have immunity add up to about 35 to 40% of the population protected. “For the whole last year — for all the pain, suffering and death and illness — we still are only at about 40%. … So add that together with the following: more infectious, more severe illness, and we’re loosening up everything. You put those two together and I think the question is, what is going to happen? None of us can say with certainty other than to say it’s not going to be good,” he said.
When will humanity wake up? The evidence is there. They are telling us they already know what’s going to happen because it’s planed in advance like this entire scamdemic hoax.
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