Video: Fauci Says Kids Need To Wear Face Masks To Play Together.  Kids and babies will have to get vaccinated




Video: Fauci Says Kids Need To Wear Face Masks To Play Together.  Kids and babies will have to get vaccinated

by Steve Watson

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



White House health adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci declared Sunday that children either need to be vaccinated or must wear face masks if they want to play together.


“When the children go out into the community, you want them to continue to wear masks when they’re interacting with groups or multiple households,” Fauci proclaimed during an appearance on CBS News.

Fauci added that “children can clearly wind up getting infected” even if other kids they play with have been vaccinated against coronavirus.




Fauci added that children may ‘conceivably’ be able to engage in Summer camps, but only if mass vaccinations continue.


“We now have 3 to 3.5 million vaccinations each day. If we keep up with that pace, invariably, that’s going to drive the rate and the level of infections per day to a much much lower level,” Fauci said, adding that this may provide a “good degree of flexibility during the summer… with things like camps.”


Fauci warned that removing restrictions before vaccinations have been completed is “premature”, adding that an increase in cases of COVID “is because of things like spring break and pulling back on the mitigation methods that you’ve seen.”


Last week Fauci claimed that in order for herd immunity against coronavirus to be reached in the US, children and even babies will have to be vaccinated.


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