Image by Jeyaratnam Caniceus from Pixabay



The Vast Majority Of The Global Population Has Eagerly Embraced A Giant Deception

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



This wasn’t supposed to happen.  We were promised that 2021 would be the year when things would turn around because the vaccines would bring the COVID pandemic to an end.  Hundreds of millions of doses have already been administered all over the globe, and millions more are being administered with each passing day.  But the pandemic is not ending.  The number of confirmed cases is now escalating dramatically, and the head of the CDC says that she is “scared” of what is ahead.  At a time when the number of confirmed cases should theoretically be going down steadily, we are seeing dramatic spikes instead.  In fact, Axios is using the term “brutal surges” to describe what most of the planet is currently facing…

Brutal surges in coronavirus cases are hitting much of the world all at once, from Europe to Brazil to India.


In particular, the new variant in Brazil is causing people to drop dead at a staggering pace


Brazil is recording by far the world’s highest daily death tolls, which far exceed anything seen earlier in the pandemic. Hospitals are at or exceeding capacity in nearly every state, AP reports. A new, more contagious “Brazilian variant” poses a grave threat, including to the U.S.


I have written multiple articles about the Brazilian variant, but most people didn’t want to listen.


Either they didn’t want to believe that it was a serious threat, or they wanted to believe that the vaccines would save them.

Well, if the vaccines were going to save us from the pandemic, why hasn’t it happened already?


According to Reuters, more than 145 million doses have already been administered in the U.S. alone…


The United States has administered 145,812,835 doses of COVID-19 vaccines as of Monday morning and distributed 180,646,565 doses, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Monday.


Some would have us believe that cases are rising because not enough people have been vaccinated yet.


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