Signs Are Everywhere: Businesses Have Changed Permanently As A Result Of The Pandemic  


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Signs Are Everywhere: Businesses Have Changed Permanently As A Result Of The Pandemic

Authored by Wolf Richter via,
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



There is no return to the “old normal.” Employment adjusts too. But it will take years to sort out the issues these sudden massive shifts leave behind…


One of the biggest permanent changes coming out of the Pandemic is that businesses have invested in technologies that have long been available, but that hadn’t been deployed because there was no visible need to deploy them, and because businesses were stuck in a rut, and change is hard and costly – and the rules of inertia had taken over.


But now the Pandemic has forced businesses to change. There is no going back to the old normal. And these technologies impact employment in both directions.


We encountered precisely that when we went cross-country skiing last week at Royal Gorge in the Sierra Nevada, which we do every year. What is said to be the largest cross-country ski resort in the US with 120 miles of groomed trails (if they’re groomed) had fallen on hard times years ago, filed for bankruptcy, and was acquired out of bankruptcy in 2011/2012. It is now operated by Sugar Bowl Resort, the downhill ski area nearby. There have been some improvements since then, such as new warming huts. But the resort remained largely low tech, or no tech. And even there, things changed massively and permanently with the Pandemic.


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