New Dead Sea Scroll Fragments Have Been Found For The First Time In 60 Years, And This Is What They Say…

Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



We just witnessed one of the most exciting archaeological discoveries in decades.  For the first time in 60 years, new Dead Sea Scroll fragments have been discovered, and Israeli authorities are telling us that archaeologists will continue to carefully search the area to see if they can find more.  Due to the extremely dry conditions in the region, the fragments that have been recovered are extremely well preserved even though they appear to have been written before the time of Christ.  But to me, the biggest part of this story is what the fragments actually say.


We’ll get to that in a moment, but first I want to talk about where we are at on the calendar.


When the sun went down on Saturday, March 13th that marked the beginning of a new year on the calendar that God gave us in the Bible.  Of course hardly anyone in the world actually acknowledges it as “the new year”, but sunset on Saturday was when the first day of the first month of the year began according to the Biblical calendar.


And since this also happened as the seventh day of the week was ending, sunset on Saturday also marked the beginning of a brand new week.


So it was one of those rare instances when a Biblical day, a Biblical week, a Biblical month and a Biblical year all started at the exact same moment.


Personally, I believe that this is very significant.


And just a couple of days later, it has been announced that portions of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been discovered for the first time in 60 years


Dozens of fragments of a Dead Sea Scroll bearing biblical text have been found by archaeologists working in the Judean Desert, the Israeli government said Tuesday.


The fragments are the first pieces of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in around 60 years and were recovered from a cave where Jewish rebels against the Roman Empire hid around 1,900 years ago, according to a government press release.


It was certainly not easy to get to the location where these fragments were found.  In fact, we are being told that archaeologists “had to rappel down a sheer cliff” in order to get to them…


The discovery was part of an Israeli government project launched in 2017 to survey the caves of the Judean Desert and recover artifacts before looters could steal them. Per an IAA statement, researchers had to rappel down a sheer cliff to reach the Cave of Horror, which is surrounded by gorges and located some 260 feet below a cliff top.


“The desert team showed exceptional courage, dedication and devotion to purpose, rappelling down to caves located between heaven and earth, digging and sifting through them, enduring thick and suffocating dust, and returning with gifts of immeasurable worth for mankind,” says IAA Director Israel Hasson in the statement.


That cave is known as “the Cave of Horror” because 40 skeletons were found there during excavations in the 1960s.


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