If Gen X Is Going to CANCEL “Cancel Culture” They Need to Understand the Marxist Agenda Driving It

If Gen X Is Going to CANCEL “Cancel Culture” They Need to Understand the Marxist Agenda Driving It
Robert Wheeler, The Organic Prepper
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino
A recent article railing against “Cancel Culture” by Matthew Hennessey is a reasonably decent piece about how the vicious virtue signaling of woke leftists destroys the country and culture itself. In Hennessey’s article, he argues that Generation X is the only thing that can stop it. He offers a rallying cry to other members of his generation to stand up against the Army of the Offended to save free speech and expression.
We grew up in a country that didn’t ban books. We all agreed that witch hunts and blacklists were bad. Censorship was an outrage. The 1980s were not that long ago. Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.
So obviously we’ve got a problem here. Everybody can see it. Everybody knows where it’s heading. What we don’t have — yet — is a group of people who are willing to do something about it.
I nominate us.
The generation that fought for its right to party should be leading the charge against these millennial Maoists terrorizing the culture via social media. Why aren’t we?
Fair enough. But, Millennials did NOT invent Cancel Culture
Hennessey’s article is worth the read, particularly if you’re a member of Generation X. However, he, unfortunately, misses the point of what’s happening and who is responsible.
Laying the blame for cancel culture at the feet of millennials is incredibly short-sighted. The millennial generation inherited an America offering service jobs instead of high-wage skilled employment, a higher education system staffed with radical Marxist activists, and an entertainment industry designed to promote the destruction of traditional American culture.
It wasn’t millennials who allowed government programs to destroy the traditional family structure and promote separation or allowed the government to shred the Constitution and initiate unprovoked foreign wars. Most of that was accomplished before millennials were old enough to read, let alone vote. As a result, most millennials are too busy working three jobs to survive while being blamed for every ill of society before or after their birth.
Millennials didn’t invent cancel culture. Christian Conservatives were proud purveyors of canceling what they deemed inappropriate for decades. Only now, when Christian Conservatives are among those being canceled, do they oppose it.
What is it that makes Generation X so unique?
Hennessey tries to lay it out when he writes:
I’m not saying that the 1980s were some kind of paradise. Tipper Gore launched a censorious crusade against popular music. On the list of “filthy” songs compiled by her Parents Music Resource Center was “We’re Not Gonna Take It” by Twisted Sister and “She Bop” by Cyndi Lauper. Believe me when I tell you that every teenager in America was horrified. All the cool kids protested and jeered — not at Twisted Sister and Cyndi Lauper, as they might do today if the woke mob called for it, but at Mrs. Al Gore, who was obviously sticking her nose where it didn’t belong.
What’s more, the artists who were targeted by the PMRC fought back and just about everybody agreed they were right to do so. Dee Snider didn’t apologize for having given offense and slink away like a pathetic, spineless slug. He waltzed into a Capitol Hill conference room, looked ’em straight in the eye and, in not so many words, told them to back the f–k up.
He’s right. But what he fails to mention is that “just about everybody” agrees the same today. Like in the ’80s, it is a dominant, loud minority that clamors for canceling and erasing anything they disagree with. The difference is that today, that dominant minority is winning. He’s right to point out that it’s the young people – the generation that typically wants edgy, entertaining, and racy things to be drawn to the forefront – that is now racing everyone, including each other, into the Gulags.
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