Government Agencies Are About To Disclose What They Know About UFOs, And That Will Be A Dramatic Paradigm Shift  




Government Agencies Are About To Disclose What They Know About UFOs, And That Will Be A Dramatic Paradigm Shift

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



Do you believe in UFOs?  Decades ago, if you answered yes to such a question many would have considered you to be a nutjob.  But at this point UFOs are not a “conspiracy theory” any longer.  In fact, even the U.S. government is admitting that they exist, and in just a few weeks we may learn a whole lot more about what the U.S. government really knows about this phenomenon.  When President Trump signed a 2.3 trillion dollar COVID relief bill last December, it contained a provision which requires all U.S. intelligence agencies to submit an unclassified report to Congress that reveals all that they know about UFOs

In December 2020, President Trump signed a coronavirus relief bill that included an interesting stipulation – the bill set into motion an 180-day time frame in which US intelligence agencies must tell Congress everything they know about UFO sightings, via an unclassified report.


Remarkably, in what sounds like the opening crawl of an unimaginative sci-fi film, the report must also include an analysis as to whether or not UFOs pose a threat to national security (perhaps, one day, our puny, primitive weapons will be used to “bring democracy” to a space-faring civilization).


Unfortunately, U.S. intelligence agencies insisted that 180 days did not give them enough time, and so now the report is expected to be released somewhere around June 1st.


But it is coming, and the COVID relief bill was very specific about what it must include

The report will include all data found through “geospatial intelligence, signals intelligence, human intelligence and measurement and signals intelligence.” Classified information held by the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force and the FBI will be included as well.


It will be fascinating to see what actually ends up in this report.


Personally, I don’t think that the intelligence agencies will come even close to revealing everything that they know.  But the fact that former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe was willing to share so much information during an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Friday seems like a good sign.  According to Ratcliffe, there have been “sightings all over the world”


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