Contractor error leads to 34,000 gallons of raw sewage leaking into Phillippi Creek

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



Notice of Submission
Pursuant to Section 403.077, F.S., the Department of Environmental Protection has received the following Public Notice of Pollution for a reportable release. All information displayed was submitted by the reporting party.

Type of Notice: Initial Report
Date of Notice: 03/11/2021

Incident Information
Name of Incident: Biaha Vista and McIntosh 031021
State Watch Office Case Number: 1332
Start of Incident: 03/10/2021 08:00
End of Incident: 03/10/2021 13:30

Incident Description
a county contractor, performing work on behalf of the County installing a large diameter force main, struck and damaged an existing air relief valve (ARV). This resulted in two incidents impacting surface waters today. At Bahia Vista and McIntosh, the contractor hit an ARV causing a sewage spill. The contractor quickly bermed the site and with county staff attempted repairs to the line. However, the flows were too high to keep contained within the berm. The County called in all of the County?s emergency sewage hauling contractors, as well as other outside local hauling resources to assist with the site conditions. The County was required to shut down the South Gate Master Lift Station to effectuate the repairs to the ARV. The repairs were completed this afternoon and the force main was returned to service. Approximately 42,000 gallons of raw sewage spilled at the site. Approximately 8,000 gallons were recovered and approximately 34,000 gallons of sewage entered a tributary to Phillippi Creek. The County worked with the Department of Health to ensure notices were posted in the area. Sampling, notifications and cleanup are proceeding.

Incident Location
Facility/Installation Name: Bee Ridge WRF Service Area
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
State: FL
Zip Code:
Coordinates (in decimal degrees):
Lat: 27.322947471928646, Long: -82.48280717124838
Click to view Incident Location
Impacted Counties: Sarasota

Incident Reported By
Name: John Saputo
Title: Manager
Phone: (941) 861-6790
E-mail Address: [email protected]

On-Site Contact
Name: Patricia Nihart
Phone: (941) 861-6790
E-mail Address: [email protected]

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Public Notice of Pollution

Florida Department of Environmental Protection




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