Biden Political Operative Blocks Ted Cruz From Filming Illegals in Detention Facilities
Biden Political Operative Blocks Ted Cruz From Filming Illegals in Detention Facilities
by Adan Salazar
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
A political operative of the Biden Administration attempted to stop Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) from documenting the squalid conditions inside a crowded illegal immigrant detention facility in South Texas.
On Sunday, Cruz uploaded video of a woman blocking him filming as he tried to show the American people the inside of an overflowing detention center in Donna, Texas.
How far is Joe Biden going to stop the American people from seeing inside the Donna CBP facility?
Biden sent a political operative from DC to block our cameras and even threatened another senator to obstruct legitimate congressional oversight.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 28, 2021
As Cruz attempted to film, a woman approached him obstruct the camera view and telling him to “Please give dignity to the people.”
“This is not a zoo, sir,” the woman at one point tells Cruz, to which he responds, “You’re right and this is a dangerous place and your policies unfortunately are trying to hide them.”
Cruz, who was attempting to show hundreds of illegals wrapped in mylar blankets sleeping on floors inside the makeshift tent facilities, appears to be familiar with the woman.
“So you work for the commissioner,” Cruz tells her, “you’re a senior adviser, you were hired two weeks ago, and you’re instructed to ask us to not have any pictures taken here because the political leadership at DHS does not want the American people to know it.”
The outrageous video comes as Cruz called on the Biden administration to grant the media access to the facilities so Americans can see firsthand the out-of-control humanitarian crisis at the border.
“We understand the heartbreaking tragedy unfolding at the border because we were there. We saw it,” Cruz stated. “But the American people are unable to see it because you remain intent on keeping the media from shining a light on your administration’s failures.”
“This is outrageous. The Trump administration allowed media into DHS facilities. So did the Obama administration, the Bush administration and the Clinton administration. But you want to hide what is going on.”
Biden during a press conference Thursday suggested media access could be forthcoming, saying “I will commit to transparency, and – as soon as I am in a position to be able to implement what we are doing right now.”
Cruz’s letter says on Friday, however, reporters were still not allowed inside the Donna facility.
“They could not show the American people cages after cages of little boys lying side-by-side, of little girls lying side-by-side, covered with reflective emergency blankets with virtually no space between them,” Cruz says. “They could not see the playpen of infants and toddlers brought here by human traffickers and then left alone. They could not see the row of children who, having just been crammed into the crowded cages, were now testing positive for COVID-19.”
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