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The US Ministry of Woke Propaganda Wants to Cancel You, Me, Fox, and Anyone Else Who Disagrees

The Organic Prepper, Daisy Luther
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



There’s a saying that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


But I think that there are people who learned from history and want to repeat it.


Don’t get me wrong. If you walked up and asked someone like the little short guy from Facebook who sat on some books at his congressional hearing so he could see over the table or that dude with the dirty looking beard from Twitter or all those so-called journalists frothing at the mouth on CNN whether they wanted to turn our nation into a carbon copy of Hitler’s Germany, they’d be positively aghast at the very notion.


Yet every day on social media, people like me try to share innocuous things, like an article about taco seasoning, I kid you not, and we’re told we aren’t following “community standards.”

For the record, I had waited 15 minutes between posting that article on my personal timeline and was then trying to share it on my frugal living Facebook page. If I’m in trouble for taco seasoning, it probably won’t be long until they kick me off entirely, so if you found this post on social media and want to make sure you see all of our articles, please go here and subscribe  – you’ll get a free, full-length copy of The Prepper’s Workbook when you do. You can also find me on GabMeWe, and Twitter (for the moment).


If you think this is only happening to conservatives, you’re wrong. I’m an anti-politician, anti-war, lower-case L libertarian who believes that gay married couples should be able protect their legally grown weed with guns.


The American Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda

The concept that they and their platforms might be the modern version of the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda has probably never even crossed their mind. In fact, these people think they’re actively fighting Nazis.


In this essay, I’m not even talking about the horrors of the Holocaust itself. I’m explaining about the very idea that media should all be government-mandated, dissent should be silenced, and those who have different opinions should be crushed was at the very heart of the Reich.


Censorship in WWII Germany was the key to controlling the populace and Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels eagerly took control of the news, literature, filmmaking, theatre, music, and all forms of broadcasting in order to present the illusion of a united front that eagerly and vehemently supported Adolph Hitler and all the evils that occurred under his reign.


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