Peshe Kuriloff: Covid gives seniors another reason to mourn: The shadow it’s cast on our golden years


Image by lecreusois from Pixabay



Peshe Kuriloff: Covid gives seniors another reason to mourn: The shadow it’s cast on our golden years

By Peshe Kuriloff, retired professor of education at Temple University
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



Covid has hijacked our lives and taken away too much of our time. It has made our lives seem smaller, more self-contained, and limited our options.


In the early months of the pandemic, in our first lockdowns, we eagerly waited for time to pass. The faster it passed, we reasoned, the sooner it would be over. We did what we could to fill it up: We read a lot, worked on puzzles, made bread, tidied closets — naively thinking that by completing those tasks we would bring ourselves closer to safety.

But the passing of time did not alter our circumstances. We kept pushing back the deadline we’d set in our minds for it all to be over, hoping that by the next holiday, by the next birthday, by the date of the wedding, by the time the baby was born, we would have reclaimed our lives. Yet weeks and months passed, life went on and nothing really changed except that all that time was gone forever and there were fewer days ahead than behind us.

Covid-19 has restricted our lives in so many ways, eliminating pleasures we used to take for granted, stealing the time we had carefully set aside for this late stage of our lives.





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