North Port opening up their facilities for more face-to-face interaction with the residents

North Port opening up their facilities for more face-to-face interaction with the residents
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino
City of North Port
While North Port City Hall has remained open, we have been working to limit one on one contact with visitors to some facilities to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The City has encouraged the public to use the convenient drive-thru window, drop box, and online digital services. While those resources and tools have been successful, there is a desire for more face-to-face interaction. With a consistent weekly positivity rate now below 5% in Sarasota County, we are taking steps to get back to normal. Beginning Monday, March 1, we will once again be seeing customers in a walk-up fashion inside City Hall including Building, Planning, Code Enforcement, and Utility services.
Recently, we also limited access to the lobby of the North Port Police Department. This impacted fingerprinting activities. Starting March 1, the lobby will also be fully accessible. Scheduling of fingerprinting will proceed by appointment only. You can find more info about scheduling by contacting Ivette Barnes at [email protected] or by calling 941-429-7339. More info can also be found at…/police/fingerprinting.
Parks and Recreation facilities have remained open and continue to provide service with enhanced cleaning protocols. You can find more at
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