Johns Hopkins Prof Sees US Herd Immunity By April, Fauci Fearmongers 2022 For ‘Return To Normality’

Johns Hopkins Prof Sees US Herd Immunity By April, Fauci Fearmongers 2022 For ‘Return To Normality’ | ZeroHedge
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino
Be afraid, be very afraid (oh, and do not push back against any plans to spend trillions by the government)… that appears to be the message from Fauci and his friends in the Biden admin.
After months of suggesting that life could start to feel “normal” again this fall – if the vaccine rollout worked as planned – Fauci in an interview with LA Times Today this week gave a new prediction.
“Hopefully, by the time we start entering 2022, we really will have a degree of normality that will approximate the kind of normality we’ve been used to,” Fauci said.
That was a departure from previous predictions, including remarks he gave at conference hosted by the Association of Performing Arts Professionals just last month.
“If everything goes right… by the time we get to the early to mid-fall, you can have people feeling safe performing onstage as well as people in the audience,” he said on Jan. 9.
Biden had clearly gotten the memo before going on stage at a CNN Town Hall on Tuesday, suggesting that life could feel normal again in “Christmas.”
But, there is a silver lining – that will likely be rapidly censored and removed from the narrative – as a Johns Hopkins surgeon, Dr. Marty Makary, penned an Op-ed in the WSJ this morning saying that we will have herd immunity by April.
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