Photo: Flickr, Olgierd Rudak, (CC BY 2.0)



If you are tired of the ever changing medical narrative on mask wearing, ask Sarasota State Senator Gruters to put forth legislation to end the discriminatory mask edicts by local businesses

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



Are you tired of the whole mask debate, with science showing they do not work and the medical establishment pushing the CDC narrative that they are essential one day, not the next, and then you need two or more?  The mixed messages from Fauci will make your head spin.  Or the latest news that mask will be required into 2022. 


Consider writing Sarasota State Senator Joe Gruters and asking him to look into the legislation that Tennessee has voted on and is now law.  You can email him by clicking — >>> here and clicking “email the senator” on the top right.


Here is the information on how Tennessee passed HB 764/SB 320.  It is the Medical Non-Discrimination Business & Consumer Act.  Right now, on the Suncoast there are very few county or city governments that have mask mandates and hospitals like Bayfront Health have shut down their Covid operations because the virus is waning.   Many local businesses have mandated mask, which is something they can do in their own business.  However, there is no local edict and it can be discriminatory.  When a non-masker goes in for service and they are asked to mask up or leave, with the establishment discriminating against their decision not to mask up, which is based upon the science and not hysteria.  Again, there is no local ordinance mandating mask


Perhaps an email to the Senator to simply put forth some form of legislation that will tell businesses that they cannot enforce a mask mandate, which leads to discrimination against an individual that chooses not to wear them.  Or someone that chooses to follow the science on these cloth mask and not the narrative being pushed by the medical establishment in public, which is not what they are pushing in private.  Yes, in my main line of business I am in the medical community and many of these medical folks pushing mask in public, are communicating a very different message in private. Most are pushing the medical establishment narrative to avoid industry harassment, being kicked off boards, or possibly losing their license or job. 


 If you are fine wearing mask until 2022 and beyond, then don’t worry about it. Unlike the people that demand mask, I will not harass you for wearing a mask.  After all, with all the mixed messages and hysteria that the local news has pushed out there about Covid, I can not blame the ill informed for masking up.  I will not say anything to you, as long as you do not go all out Karen on me for choosing to follow the science and not wear a diaper over my face.  🙂


Tennessee May Pass Law Preventing Discrimination Against People Who Refuse Face Masks



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