Head Of Strategic Command Says U.S. Nuke War With China, Russia a “Real Possibility”

Head Of Strategic Command Says U.S. Nuke War With China, Russia a “Real Possibility”
by Paul Joseph Watson
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino
The US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) warns that a nuclear war with Russia and China is a “real possibility” unless the U.S. beefs up its nuclear arsenal.
“There is a real possibility that a regional crisis with Russia or China could escalate quickly to a conflict involving nuclear weapons, if they perceived a conventional loss would threaten the regime or state,” Vice Adm. Charles Richard wrote in the February edition of the US Naval Institute’s monthly magazine.
In response, the U.S. Military must “shift its principal assumption from ‘nuclear employment is not possible’ to ‘nuclear employment is a very real possibility,’ and act to meet and deter that reality,” according to Richard.
The STRATCOM chief also asserted that Russia and China “have begun to aggressively challenge international norms and global peace using instruments of power and threats of force in ways not seen since the height of the Cold War.”
Despite the fact that Beijing only has around 320 nuclear warheads compared to the United States’ 6,000, Richard said America would need to modernize its stockpile.
“Even if Beijing doubles its arsenal over the next decade, as the China hawks are predicting, it will still be small compared to Washington’s,” writes Dave DeCamp. “The US would have to eliminate a good amount of its arsenal to convince Beijing to participate in arms control agreements.”
The warning was given as the USS ‘John S. McCain’ was sent for the first time by the Biden administration into the South China Sea near Chinese-controlled islands.
The US Navy said the warship was asserting “navigational rights and freedoms in the vicinity of the Parcel Islands, consistent with international law.”
As we previously highlighted, former Australian Army Major-General and current Senator Jim Molan also sounded the alarm bell on tensions between the United States and China.
“In 1991, the US Navy was 600 warships strong. Now it’s less than 300,” he pointed out, adding, “We are likely in the next three to five years or in the next five to ten years to be involved in a war between China and the United States.”
Last year, Henry Kissinger also cautioned that a catastrophic conflict between America and China that will be “worse than world wars” is inevitable unless the two sides sort out their differences.
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