Guess Which Side The Corporate Media Is Taking In The GameStop Story…


Image by Trevor McNally from Pixabay



Guess Which Side The Corporate Media Is Taking In The GameStop Story…

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



You would think that a plucky group of Internet rebels standing up to a bunch of notorious hedge funds and short sellers would be a story that even the mainstream media should be able to get right, but apparently that is not the case.  As you will see below, the corporate-controlled media is attempting to convince all of us that the hedge funds and the short sellers are actually “the good guys” and that the “Reddit army” that is taking them on is a bunch of dangerous insurrectionists that are a threat to the entire system.  Of course I suppose that it shouldn’t be a surprise that the corporate-controlled media is standing up for the establishment, because the establishment showers them with millions of advertising dollars.  But it really has been disgusting to watch them totally sell out like this.  If you listen to the mainstream media long enough, you would be tempted to believe that we now live in a “Bizarro World” in which everything that was once evil is now good and everything that was once good is now evil.


Just within the past few days, the New York Times has called the “Reddit army” a “rebellion”, Investing Daily has referred to it as an “insurrection”, and NBC News has used the word “insurgency” to describe it.


But first prize actually goes to the Washington Post.  They had the gall to run a story entitled “The good guys in the GameStop story? It’s the hedge funds and short sellers”…


The Gamestop speculators are not merely in a frenzy about one stock. Their goal is to destroy the traders who link stock prices to fair value. To suggest a political analogy, they are not just blindly devoted to their candidate; they deny the legitimacy of the opposition party. They are not just acting within the system; they want to overthrow the system. It’s as though — just imagine — a rabble gripped by conspiracy theories were to attack the rules of democracy itself. The name “Gamestop” is apt.


Are you kidding me?


What is next?  Is the Post going to come out with a story about how Luke Skywalker was evil because he wanted to overthrow the established order that Darth Vader and the Emperor had instituted across the galaxy?


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