Englewood: Breaking into cars is a bad idea… but breaking into cars and leaving your cell phone behind, now that’s just not very smart
Englewood: Breaking into cars is a bad idea… but breaking into cars and leaving your cell phone behind, now that’s just not very smart
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino
Over the weekend, an employee delivering newspapers noticed a light shining in a vehicle. As he got closer, he witnessed a male dressed in a dark hooded sweatshirt exit the vehicle and quickly run behind the home located on Pearl Street in Englewood.
The witness immediately called the Sheriff’s Office to report the suspicious incident. While detectives canvassed the area, they found several hundred dollar bills, a flash light, and a lighter on the ground behind the home the suspect ran behind. They also received several other reports of additional vehicle burglaries in the area.
Another vehicle in the area had a light on. This light happened to be a cell phone with the flashlight on, pointing upward. Outside the vehicle was a black tube sock. The phone located within the vehicle did not belong to the vehicle’s owner and when it started to ring, the caller stated he had recently lost his phone.
Deputies met with the caller who identified the owner of the phone as John Rawle (8/13/99).
22 year old John Rawle is facing 6 counts of Burglary of a Unoccupied Conveyance and 1 count of Grand Theft.
A big shout out to the newspaper delivery driver for reporting the suspicious activity, you’re the real MVP.
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