Enemies Of The State Vs. Enemies Of The People

Enemies Of The State Vs. Enemies Of The People
Authored by Frank Miele via RealClearPolitics.com,
Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino
I didn’t declare war on the establishment; it declared war on me.
It declared war on me when it supported energy policies that could enrich Saudi Arabia and Russia and would cost me more money at the gas pump or on my power bill.
It declared war on me when it told me my ideas weren’t worthy of debate and discussion or that they were even so dangerous they couldn’t be shared publicly.
It declared war on me when it used the police powers of the FBI and CIA to first spy on a presidential candidate and then worked to undermine the administration of that candidate after he was elected.
It declared war on me when it told me my religious beliefs did not deserve the protection of the First Amendment.
It declared war on me when it told me boys could compete against girls in high school sports and that they could shower together afterwards.
It declared war on me when it offered citizenship to illegal aliens and shipped American jobs to China.
It declared war on me when it mocked the usefulness of a wall on the Mexican border and simultaneously put up a razor-wire fence around the Capitol.
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