City Hall to observe Presidents Day holiday | City of Sarasota




City Hall to observe Presidents Day holiday | City of Sarasota

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



City of Sarasota


Trash and recycling collection schedules will not be affected by the holiday. 


Hours of operation at recreation and cultural facilities are as follows:

  • Lido Pool, 400 Benjamin Franklin Drive, remains closed until further notice. 


City offices will reopen Tuesday, Feb. 16. Some offices, including Permitting, are open by appointment only. Call 941-263-6000 to schedule an appointment, or visit for online services.


The regular City Commission meetings will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 1565 First St.


For more information on trash and recycling collection, contact the Solid Waste Division at 941-365-7651.



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