Venice: Watch as a Biden support goes all out “Karen” on a Trump flag waiver and ends up in a fist fight
Venice: Watch as a Biden support goes all out “Karen” on a Trump flag waiver and ends up in a fist fight
By Francesco Abbruzzino
According to FoverosDivine, this fight took place last night in Venice. As you can see, the guy hops of his car on Venice Ave, announces that he is a Biden supporter and then goes all out “Karen” on a Trump supporter. The Trump supporter appears to just stand there and take the guys vulgarities. He said the guy allegedly reeked of alcohol, which is concerning since he was driving the car that he conveniently left in middle of Venice Ave. Another guy came over to defend the pro Trump flag waivers and that is when the fight broke out. As you can see, it did not end well for the “Karen” and his wife had to jump into the fight.
I know somebody wrote the Mayor over concern that some guy on a blow horn by the Daq. Deck was violating the noise ordinance. It may be these guys or their friends, each group is at this spot on a regular basis. However, the VPD were called out and found that they were not.m mFeinsod basically wrote the emailer back saying he will see what he can do…….. Feinsod must have forgotten about his days as a protester, when he was using a blow horn to protest a Congressman’s visit to Venice. You can see that video below the video from FoverosDivine and another video with his analysis of what went down.
FoverosDivine did want to extend a thank you to the guy with that dogs that came over and stood up for them, classically asking a simple question: “What are you an idiot or something”? 🙂
FoverosDivine has a Youtbue show, where he covered this incident
Feinsod video mentioned above