The United States Has Become A Banana Republic
The United States Has Become A Banana Republic
By Francesco Abbruzzino
If we continue destroying the U.S. dollar at our current pace, toilet paper will eventually be more valuable than U.S. dollars. I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but it is true. Once the COVID pandemic hit the United States, those that control the levers of power in this country decided to go “full Weimar” and they never looked back. As a result, the size of our money supply is rising at a rate that would have been unimaginable just a few short years ago. To illustrate what I am talking about, I would like for you to check out this chart that was posted on Twitter by James Turk. As you can see, M1 was up by more than 50 percent in 2020.
We’ve never had a year like that in all of U.S. history. What we are doing is literally insane, but most Americans aren’t even aware of what is happening because the mainstream media isn’t talking about it.
If you are not familiar with “M1”, here is a definition that comes from Investopedia…
M1 is the money supply that is composed of physical currency and coin, demand deposits, travelers’ checks, other checkable deposits, and negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts. M1 includes the most liquid portions of the money supply because it contains currency and assets that either are or can be quickly converted to cash. However, “near money” and “near, near money,” which fall under M2 and M3, cannot be converted to currency as quickly.
When new money enters the system, every dollar that you are currently holding becomes less valuable.