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The Great Debate About America’s Future

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



Are you surprised by America’s sudden meltdown?  Over the past 12 months, we have witnessed the greatest public health crisis in 100 years, the lockdowns that were instituted to control the pandemic resulted in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, widespread civil unrest erupted in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death and has not stopped since, and now we are witnessing the greatest political turmoil since the Civil War.  Despite all of this chaos, many Americans remain absolutely convinced that the greatest days of the United States are still ahead of us.  To them, the current problems we are facing are just minor bumps in the road that will soon be resolved as we continue to steamroll toward an incredibly glorious future.

Personally, I don’t see how this makes any sense at all, but there are millions upon millions of people out there that actually believe this.


Of course millions of other Americans believe that we will surely reap what we have sown.  More than 60 million unborn Americans have been slaughtered since 1973, just about every form of wickedness that you can possibly imagine is absolutely exploding in our society, and we continue to push God out of every aspect of public life.


Does it make any sense that God would bless us more than ever before when we have completely and utterly rejected Him as a nation?


Once upon a time America was a Christian nation, but that is definitely not the case anymore.  But for those that still claim to be Christians, a great debate about the future destiny of our nation has been raging, and recent events have brought that debate to the forefront.


On one side are believers that are convinced that these are the end times that are described in the Bible.  Jesus warned us that the times just before His return would be the most difficult in all of human history, but He didn’t want us to be afraid.  He wanted us to know that He knew about all of these things in advance, that He has a plan, and that He is in control.

In Matthew 24, Jesus warned us that there would be “pestilences” in the last days.  Of course we are already going through the COVID pandemic, but in my new book I explain that much worse is coming.


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