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In Just A Few Days, Biden Has Brought The U.S. Much Closer To A War With China

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



The warmongers are back in control in Washington, but this time the wild-eyed lunatics that Joe Biden has surrounded himself with won’t just be starting wars in the Middle East.  Relations with China are already taking a turn for the worse, and the Chinese are warning that actions that the Biden administration is taking could soon push us to the brink of military conflict.  I know that this may surprise many of my readers, because a major Republican talking point has been that Joe Biden and his family have been way too friendly with the Chinese in the past.  Many had assumed that Biden would have a very cozy relationship with China now that he is in the White House, but it looks like the opposite is going to be true.  The Biden administration is taking a very aggressive posture, and the Chinese are not happy about that at all.


Shortly after Biden was inaugurated, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and its battle group entered the South China Sea.  It is being called a “Freedom of Navigation Operation”, but the Chinese are viewing this aircraft carrier battle group as a major provocation


CHINA has angrily accused the US of “flexing its muscles” in the South China Sea after new President Joe Biden sent an aircraft carrier group into the disputed waterway in a move which Beijing warned could trigger a disastrous war.


Meanwhile state-run Chinese media has claimed the new administration is seeing how far it could push China, both with regard to the South China Sea and Taiwan.


In addition, the U.S. State Department issued a very blunt statement on January 23rd which greatly alarmed the Chinese…


The United States notes with concern the pattern of ongoing PRC attempts to intimidate its neighbors, including Taiwan. We urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure against Taiwan and instead engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan’s democratically elected representatives.


We will stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity, security, and values in the Indo-Pacific region — and that includes deepening our ties with democratic Taiwan. The United States will continue to support a peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues, consistent with the wishes and best interests of the people on Taiwan. The United States maintains its longstanding commitments as outlined in the Three Communiqués, the Taiwan Relations Act, and the Six Assurances. We will continue to assist Taiwan in maintaining a sufficient self-defense capability. Our commitment to Taiwan is rock-solid and contributes to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and within the region.


China considers Taiwan to be Chinese territory, and any suggestion otherwise is considered to be extremely offensive.


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