I Know Things Are Hard Right Now, But You’re Going to Be Okay
Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper
By Francesco Abbruzzino
If the messages in my inbox are anything to go by, a lot of people are dealing with ever-increasing anxiety about what lies ahead.
We’ve been in various stages of lockdown for almost a year now. Many of us have been separated from our loved ones for that long or longer. Many of the jobs that once seemed so secure are gone forever. We’re watching as our rights to free speech and the freedom to gather are eroding right before our eyes, like a California cliff crumbling into the ocean below. Mental health crises abound as people become more and more isolated from one another.
Financial security seems to be a thing of the past for many people. We’ve had to change our lifestyles to follow mandates and to manage our ever-tightening budgets. The supply chain is broken, possibly beyond redemption any time soon. Half the country believes that the election was illegitimate and faith in our government is at an all-time low, as they send tax dollars that we paid in by the billions to other countries, doling out only $600 apiece to Americans. We’re facing mandated medical treatments and a new administration.
It’s a stressful time to be alive. You may be wondering, “How on earth am I going to keep going if things continue to get worse?”
You may be feeling hopeless right now.
But I want you to know that I believe, eventually, things will be okay.
When all the news is bad news
It’s difficult to be living all the things I’ve described above and think about optimism. It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel that seems like some kind of optical illusion that just keeps getting longer.
As someone who spends most of her day buried in the news, I completely understand this feeling of overwhelming doom. It would be impossible not to feel bothered while reading venomous comments between those loyal to partisan politics or watching rioting, destruction, and rage on the news. This is something I’ve written about previously:
I’ve been working in the alternative news industry since 2011. There have been days at I time I was glued to my laptop covering manhunts, constitutional insults, or scenes of horror. It would be a lie (not to mention rather unhinged) to say that I was unmoved by it all.
Sometimes I ended the day with such awful scenes playing through my head that my night was filled with restless nightmares replaying all that I had learned. Sometimes the last thing I wanted to do the next morning when it was time to start work was switch on that laptop and see the most recent gruesome act of hatred humans had perpetrated on one another.
But here I am, eight years later, still doing it. Still trying to make sense of it all and write things that pull people together instead of tearing them apart. Still looking for that common thread that runs between us all and hoping that more people grab onto that instead of trying to sever it.
And most of the time, I’m okay. Most of the time, I can keep from becoming terribly depressed by the awful things about which I spend my days researching and writing. I can share with you a few of the ways that I prevent the bad news from causing so much anxiety that I want to throw my laptop in the lake and live out the rest of my days, blissfully uninformed. (source)
So if you’re feeling aghast at all the things we’re witnessing, please know that you aren’t alone. It’s completely normal and honestly, what would it say about you if you weren’t upset? Basically, it would say that you’re a sociopath.
About the Author
Daisy Luther
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, PreppersDailyNews.com. Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and lives in the mountains of Virginia with her two daughters and an ever-growing menagerie. You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.