Amazon Selling “Anatomically Correct” Childrens’ Dolls Under Search Term “Full Size Sex Doll”

by Paul Joseph Watson

Scoop Publisher Francesco Abbruzzino



A Twitter user confirmed that Amazon is selling childrens’ dolls that are described as “anatomically correct” and refer to genitalia when users search for the term “full size sex doll.”


“I heard about this and couldn’t believe it was true but verified it was. @amazon lists dolls of kids under “full size sex doll” and other search terms. Some describe dolls as “anatomically correct” with “warm and moist” mouths,” remarked Twitter user @imatriarch.



One of the descriptions for the product informs potential buyers that the mouth on the doll “seems to be a real baby’s lips, tender, soft,” and that the doll includes a “private part.”


Such descriptions are obviously meant to entice pedophiles.


Other similar dolls are also listed alongside masturbation sex toys that mimic a woman’s lips.



“We demand that @Amazon pulls all items with children’s faces, descriptions or bodies from their store. Kids are not sex toys and we must stand up for them!” urges the Twitter user.


Amazon banned social media website Parler from using its hosting servers last week, knocking Parler completely offline.


If only the company was as on the ball when it came to not incentivizing literal pedophiles to use its site.




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