Video: Feinstein, Who Demanded Mask Mandate, Doesn’t Bother Wearing Mask Inside Capitol

by Steve Watson


Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein was seen standing close to others, talking and walking around the corridors and rooms of Capitol this week, all without bothering to wear a face mask, while EVEYONE else had one on.


Feinstein’s actions are particularly hypocritical, given that she was one of the leading voices demanding a mask mandate back in the Summer.


Feinstein, along with other Democrats, also threatened to withhold coronavirus funding for states that refused to adopt the mandate.




This isn’t even the first time Feinstein has been seen in a heavily populated place not bothering to adopt the rules she slammed others for resisting:



It also comes in the same week as other leading Democrats were slammed for scheduling gatherings and opulent dinners:


Twitter uses pointed out the raging hypocrisy:



Elsewhere in the building, the mask issue raged as Democratic Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown blasted Republican Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan, who was proceeding over the Senate, for not wearing a mask.


“I start by asking the presiding officer to wear a mask,” Brown said.


“I don’t wear a mask when I’m speaking,” Sullivan responded, adding “I don’t need your instruction.”