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Russia Threatens US Warship With “Ramming” Over Alleged Maritime Border Violation | Zero Hedge



The US and Russian navies have had a close encounter in the Sea of Japan on Tuesday which has sparked a major diplomatic war of words.


Russia claims the submarine hunting US Navy ship USS John S McCain violated Russia’s sovereign maritime borders off the coast of the Russian Far Eastern capital, Vladivostok.


The Kremlin said the US ship strayed over two miles within Russia’s internationally recognized territorial waters, with the Ministry of Defense (MoD) asserting the warship had “violated” Russian waters and was “warned of the unacceptability of its actions” by the Udaloy-class destroyer Admiral Vinogradov.


The Russian destroyer was said to be tailing the American vessel and reportedly conveyed a verbal warning that it could be subject to ramming. According to Russian media sources:


The communiqué added that sailors had told the American ship of the potential of resorting to ramming to force the trespasser out of the territory.” The US navy has not yet issued a response.


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