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Global Transport Body Developing “Travel Pass” App To Link Proof Of Vaccination To Passports

by Steve Watson


The world’s largest air transport lobby group is developing a global ‘COVID travel pass’ app that will link vaccination status and coronavirus test results to a person’s travel documents.


The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents airlines all over the world, has announced that its app will be trialed by British Airways’ parent company IAG SA before the end of the year, with the full roll out expected to be in the first months of 2021.

It will be available for all Apple and Android mobile devices and will display an electronic version of a person’s passport along with official ‘proof of vaccination’ and test results.


“Our main priority is to get people traveling again safely. That means giving governments confidence that systematic Covid-19 testing can work as a replacement for quarantine requirements,” said IATA Senior Vice President Nick Careen.


IATA Director General and CEO Alexandre de Juniac also told Deutsche Welle news agency that the body is proposing a systematic testing procedure for all passengers wishing to fly.



The IATA’s travel pass is distinct from the CommonPass, a program sponsored by the World Economic Forum, which is pushing for a post-COVID “Great Reset” that would transform the world.


A third ‘COVID passport’ app called the AOKpass from travel security firm International SOS is currently undergoing trials  between Abu Dhabi and Pakistan.

International SOS co-founder Arnaud Vaissie told reporters that “There is massive pent-up demand,” as well as “tremendous fear about traveling and this is what we are trying to mitigate.”


The developments come on the heels of the CEO of Qantas Airlines declaring that the COVID-19 vaccine will be mandatory for anyone boarding flights, and that this will become the norm for all international travel.



Qantas has also said it will likely adopt the ‘travel pass’ app being developed by the IATA.