County Commissioner responds to the Heralds article titled “Sarasota County Commissioners criticize single-member districts”




Special Interests pushed for Single Member Districts in Sarasota County. They worded the Amendment to sound good to the voters and it passed.


That led to YOU losing your influence and oversight over YOUR government because:
1) You are now ONLY able to vote for 1 County Commissioner (instead of all 5)


2) You are now ONLY able to hold 1 County Commissioner accountable (instead of all 5)


In Short – If you live in Sarasota County, while there is only a 20% chance that I appear on your ballot, there is a 100% chance I will vote on how we spend the money that you worked hard to earn but was sent to the county to spend.


Single Member Districts took the power AWAY from THE PEOPLE (which I hate seeing happen).


Elected Officials should be accountable to THE PEOPLE they represent!


His comments are in regards to the article below: