Concern over the distribution and hanging of a BLM poster at Brookside Middle in Sarasota




? Brookside Middle Goes Marxist ?


Parents have alerted us that these flyers are posted around Brookside Middle School and the School Counselor keeps a stack on their desk.


You, as parents, have NO control over what your kids are being exposed to and taught.


You can speak, until you’re blue in the face, to a School Board packed with radical liberals who are intent on bringing Anti-Cop, Anti-American, Socialist groups into Sarasota County Schools. Your voice will be ignored and your kids will be bullied.


Several BLM “activists” were arrested after this weekend’s March on Washington. They mercilessly attacked innocent people, violently beating them into submission.


Sarasota School District condones this kind of violence and invites it into our schools, putting our kids at risk, when they allow these flyers to hang all over campus.


We MUST begin pulling our kids out of the system and educating them alternatively. They are no longer safe in this District.


Please contact Brookside Middle School Principal to request an application for the Hope Scholarship.


Ryan Chase: [email protected]


You may also Express your concerns to Superintendent Asplen at the contact info below.


Dr. Brennan Asplen: [email protected]