Coffee Is For Closers

Coffee Is For Closers
It is put up or shut up time. More than two weeks have passed since November 3rd, and the Trump legal team only has a very limited amount of time left to stop Joe Biden from being elected president. The Electoral College votes on December 14th, but the real deadline is December 8th because the selection of electors must be completed by that date. Of course it is possible that the U.S. Supreme Court could push back that deadline, but it has never happened before in all of U.S. history. So basically the Trump legal team has only between now and December 8th to pull off a colossal legal miracle, and so far their record in lawsuits around the country is 1 win and 30 losses. Needless to say, that is not good.
Personally, I am absolutely convinced that vote totals were manipulated electronically all over the nation. Election data from the New York Times is publicly available for anyone that wants to dig into it, and it appears that votes were being systematically switched from Trump to Biden in many states. One expert has posted his state by state analysis right here.
But there is a huge difference between what you can prove and what you can prove in court. That is why whoever has the better lawyer usually wins in court no matter what the evidence is. Often, a superior lawyer can find a path to victory even when seemingly everything is against him.
Over the past couple of weeks, Trump’s lawyers have told us in interview after interview that they have more than enough evidence to overturn the election results.
But so far they have not done it.
As Yoda once said…
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
Yes, I believe that they have more than enough evidence to get the job done, but so far they haven’t gotten the job done and time is running out.
Next week is Thanksgiving, and so very little is likely to happen in the courts the entire week.