#CancelFoxNews – Do you agree that Fox News has gone way too far to the left?
I have never seen conservatives more angry at Fox News than they are right now. Fox News was launched on October 7th, 1996 and it immediately struck a chord with millions upon millions of conservatives that were deeply frustrated with the endless liberal bias of the mainstream media. But over the years the network has changed. Yes, they still have Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, and both of them are excellent. But the network as a whole has just continued to drift left, and at this point it is hard to distinguish Fox News from CNN most of the time.
Up until just recently, most conservatives were willing to overlook the decline of the network as a whole because they could still tune in to Tucker and Hannity at night.
But this election has changed everything. Fox News didn’t just call Arizona for Biden a few hours before CNN and many other major networks. It was literally days before CNN and most of the other networks finally followed suit, and this absolutely enraged many Trump supporters…
When Donald Trump supporters gathered outside a vote-counting centre in Phoenix, Arizona, on Wednesday night, they had a simple and perhaps unexpected chant: “Fox News Sucks!”
Although the channel has become synonymous with Trump’s rise to power, in the last two days Fox News has become the focus of the Trump campaign’s anger after it made an early call on Tuesday night that the state of Arizona was going to Joe Biden.
Inexplicably, Fox News had a Democrat named Arnon Mishkin in charge of their decision desk, and many feared that he would be way too eager to call states for Biden.
That concern turned out to be well founded, and many will never trust Fox News again because of it.
And the truth is that Arizona should still not be in Biden’s column at this point, because there are a ton of votes still to count and it appears that the majority of those votes will go to Trump.