Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay



A Biden Presidency Would Be A Dream Scenario For Our Corporate Overlords


One of the biggest reasons why the elite hate Donald Trump so much is because they can’t control him.  But if Joe Biden ends up in the White House, that won’t be a problem.  Our corporate overlords know exactly what they are getting with Biden, and that is why they backed him so strongly during the campaign.  In fact, if our corporate overlords could create a perfect president from scratch, they would end up with someone that looks very similar to Joe Biden.

Let me explain what I mean.  One thing that the elite value in any politician is weakness, and today Joe Biden is very weak.  At one time he had a little bit more of a backbone, but at this point he has deteriorated very badly and his physical, mental and emotional weaknesses are apparent to everyone.


But a president can’t afford to be weak, because pressure is put on the White House from a thousand different directions on a daily basis.  Any sign of weakness from a president is like blood in the water, and the political sharks are going to be all over him.


Ultimately, Biden will be exceptionally easy for the elite to manipulate because of how weak he has become, but the downside for the elite is that Biden may not last that long in the White House because of how rapidly he is physically and mentally falling apart.


If our corporate overlords were creating a perfect president from scratch, they would also want someone that owes them favors, and Joe Biden owes them big time.


In the months leading up to the election, the corporate media and the big tech companies made sure that any negative stories about Biden were suppressed, and ultra-wealthy donors all over the nation absolutely showered him with money.  In fact, Biden raised money from the megadonor class like we have never seen before.  The following comes from the New York Times


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