Watch as Venice City Council candidate Brian Kelly drops the ball during the League of Woman Voters forum, unable to address several questions



I was told about this interview and I found it interesting.  I wanted to share it, since I doubt Brian will sit down with me and after watching this interview I understand why he would not want too.  I must say that I was amazed that Brian could not answer some of the simplest of questions, which you could tell by his response and in some cases where he basically stated he was not sure about the issue.  It will give you a good perspective on both candidate for the City of Venice Council.


Position on proposed charter, which limits Mayor’s authority and covers term limits:  Brian – Not up to speed on this issue, but will look into it (11:40)


Steps to promote a diversity business environment that promotes business and supports them.  Brian – I can’t think off the top of my head and not sure how to answer. (25:50)


What actions to foster sustainable economic development and bring clean jobs to the city.  Brian – I am drawing a blank (28:30)


The league made it so that the video can’t be embeded, but you can go to their Youtube page at: