Videos: Thoughts on how the debate went on various issues

by Steve Watson



Joe Biden emerged from his basement Thursday to lie his way through the final debate with President Trump, and boy were there some zingers.


Watch the full debate here:


On Coronavirus, Biden accused Trump of having “no comprehensive plan,” while declaring that he would mandate masks. Trump hit back, noting that Biden will lockdown the country without considering the economic impact.


“We can’t lock ourselves up in a basement like Joe does. He has the ability to lock himself up. I don’t know; he’s obviously made a lot of money someplace,” Trump said.



Trump noted that Biden called his early decision to close down air travel from China ‘Xenophobic’, and Biden denied it, which was a lie:



When the debate turned to national security, Trump asked the question everyone has been waiting to hear the answer to.


“You were getting a lot of money from Russia. They were paying you a lot of money. And what came out today – all of the emails, the horrible emails of all the money you were raking in, you and your family. And I think you owe an explanation to the American people,” The President said.


Biden responded, “I have not taken a single penny from any country whatsoever,” another clear lie, then attempted to pivot the topic back by claiming Trump has a “secret bank account in China.”


He also blamed ‘Russians’ for the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop.


Trump hit back, declaring “I don’t make money from China, you do. I don’t make money from Ukraine, you do. I don’t make money from Russia, you do.”


When North Korea briefly came up in the conversation, Biden declared, in another moment of senility, that “We had a good relationship with Hitler before he invaded Europe.”



On the topic of healthcare, Biden straight up lied again claiming that no one lost their insurance under Obamacare:




Trump noted that Biden “wants socialized medicine.”


On the subject of border security, Biden claimed that Trump separated families at the border, when in reality it was a policy already in place under the Obama/Biden administration which Trump put a stop to.


“Who built the cages Joe?” Trump asked Biden.



Biden even threw Obama under the bus on immigration, stating that he will be “president” and not “vice president” this time around:


Biden was soon wondering how much longer he’d have to lie for:



When the debate turned to the topic of race, Biden called Trump a racist, in a convoluted and bizarre way, by suggesting that Abe Lincoln was a racist:



On climate change, Biden claimed that he has never opposed fracking, despite the fact that just a few weeks ago he said he did:


Biden also admitted that he would close down the oil industry:


How do you know Trump won the debate? Because leftists say these kind of things: