Traffic Construction Updates for Manatee and Sarasota Counties  




Traffic Construction Updates for Manatee and Sarasota Counties – Sarasota Manatee MPO






I-75 at SR 70 Interchange (Exit 217): Construction project: Crews will work on widening I-75, the ramps, and SR 70. Crews are also working on the retaining walls, excavating interchange and SR 70 stormwater ponds and drainage, and working on the bridges over SR 70 and the Braden River.

  • Motorists should expect lane closures on I-75 during nighttime/overnight hours from 8:45 p.m. to 6 a.m. (northbound) or 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. (southbound) through the duration of the construction.
  • Motorists should expect lane closures on SR 70 during nighttime/overnight hours from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. through the duration of the construction.
  • Motorists should expect lane shifts on I-75 and SR 70 through the duration of the construction.
  • Drivers should exercise caution and be aware of construction vehicles entering and exiting the interstate through the duration of the construction.

Variable message signs will be in place to alert drivers that work is underway. Estimated completion is mid 2021. The contractor is Sacyr Construction USA, LLC.

I-75 at US 301 and I-75 at I-275: Landscaping installation: Crews will be relocating royal palms from the interchange at I-75 and US 301 north to the interchange at I-75 and I-275.  No lane closures required. Contractor is Superior Lawn and Landscaping. Estimated completion is by end of 2020.

US 41 at 9th Street West and SR 64 Manatee Avenue: Construction project: Crews are expected to start as early as Monday, October 12, and expect to be completed by fall 2020, weather permitting. Project scope includes modifying the bulb-out in the northwest quadrant of the intersection, relocating the pedestrian signal, and installing a new pedestrian warning mat at the crosswalk.  This week, crews are performing concrete work on the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps.  Lane closures will not be permitted from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Motorists are urged to use caution in the construction zone and expect delays. Contractor is Ajax Paving Industries of Florida.

US 301 (State Road 43) from 2nd Avenue to 51st Avenue: Construction project: Expect lane closures intermittently going both north and south on US 301 during day and overnight hours. Superior Asphalt, Inc. is the contractor. Expected completion is fall 2020.

US 301 at 121st Avenue: Maintenance permit project: Crews are constructing a driveway and right turn lane.

  • There will be intermittent lane closures to the outside turn lane on both eastbound or westbound lanes through October 25, 2020.  There will also be intermittent closures to the inside median turn lane on both the eastbound and westbound lanes.
  • Use caution and expect possible delays.

US 19 from US 41 to Terra Ceia Road: Construction project: Crews are resurfacing the roadway, improving drainage and constructing a sidewalk. Expect daytime single lane closures between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and nighttime/overnight lane closures between 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. throughout construction. AJAX Paving Industries of Florida is the contractor. Expected completion is early 2021.

US 19 north from US 41 south: Construction project: There will be intermittent ramp closures both north and south bound on  Tuesday, October13, through Friday, October 16, and from Monday, October 19, through Friday October 23, from  8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Motorists should expect detours.

SR 684/Cortez Road from 123rd Street W to 119th Street W and from 123rd Street W to 86th Street W: Construction project: Crews are realigning the intersection of SR 684/Cortez Road and 119th Street W, resurfacing the roadway, improving drainage, constructing a sidewalk and installing new highway lighting. Expect nighttime/overnight lane closures from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. on SR 684/Cortez Road and on 119th Street W (both north and southside). Daytime lane closures from east of 119th Street W to 86th Street W within the four-lane section of SR 684/Cortez Road are expected from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. over the next few weeks. AJAX Paving Industries of Florida, LLC is the contractor. Expected completion is late 2020.

  • A new traffic pattern is in place, shifting construction to the north side of Cortez Road.  Thru traffic will use the south side of Cortez Road.
  • Also, with the traffic shift to the north side of Cortez Road, the two outbound lanes of Harbor Landing Drive will be closed.  Traffic into Harbor Landings will be detoured to the west on 127th Street, and the Cortez Road entrance lanes will then become the Harbor Landings exit.
  • Please watch for crews and use caution when traveling through the project corridor.

SR 64 at Rye Road Roundabout: Construction project: Crews are constructing a multi-lane roundabout, resurfacing the roadway, improving drainage, and installing new highway lighting and landscaping. IBT Construction is the contractor. Expected completion is scheduled for fall 2020.  Crews will be working on final road preparation, so motorists should expect intermittent lane closures and/ or flagging operations on SR 64, White Eagle Road and Rye Road.  Motorists should use caution, reduce speed, and pay close attention to traffic patterns.

SR 64 at Greyhawk Boulevard/Pope Road: Construction project: Construction of  a roundabout at SR 64 and Greyhawk Boulevard/Pope Road includes installing pedestrian activated crossings on all legs of the roundabout, adding lighting and landscaping, and installing a new traffic signal and crosswalks at SR 64 and 117th Street East.  The contractor is Watson Civil Construction, Inc. Expected completion is summer 2021, weather permitting.

  • Pope Road is closed to thru traffic, utilize the roundabout at SR 64 and White Eagle Boulevard/Rye Road.
  • The Eastbound travel lanes have been reduced to one lane and shifted to the north side of the median through the project.
  • Travel for both westbound and eastbound traffic has been reduced to one lane in each direction throughout the project limits at the Greyhawk and Pope Road intersection.
  • Signal work will be taking place at 117th Street East, most of the work will be performed outside of the roadway. There are tentative lane closures of outside or inside travel lanes as needed scheduled on SR 64 for overhead signal installations at various times during the week.  Law enforcement officers will be present during intersection.
  • Sunday night, October 11, and possibly Monday, October 12, 2020, starting at 7 p.m., crews will be excavating adjacent to the eastbound travel lane at the Greyhawk intersection to investigate existing utilities. Traffic will be reduced to one lane with a flagging operation.



I-75 at Jacaranda Boulevard: Landscaping installation: Crews will be installing landscaping. Contractor is Frankie Valdez Company.  No lane closures are required. Estimated completion is late 2020.

I-75 at Sumter Boulevard: Landscaping installation: Crews will be installing landscaping. No lane closures are required. Contractor is Frankie Valdez Company. Estimated completion is late 2020.

US 41 Roundabouts at 10th Street and 14th Street, Sarasota:  Construction project: Crews continue work within the right-of-way, medians and driveways.

  • Daytime lane closures are expected throughout the project limits.
  • Traffic shift to final configuration starting Friday, October 9. Minor shift in travel lanes is expected. Roundabout functions will remain unchanged. Traffic entering roundabout shall continue to yield.
  • Grading and irrigation installation in the median area and on the west side of US 41 between 10th Street and 14th Street. Please be cautious of construction vehicles, pickup trucks, and crews working close to travel lanes and entering and leaving the travel lanes.
  • Light pole foundation installation is expected at 10th Street intersection and at the south west corner of 14th Street.
  • Asphalt removal and curb installation expected on the east side between 12th Street and 14th Street. Final grading around The Reserve driveway expected over the next 2 weeks.
  • Asphalt removal expected on the west side of US 41 between the boat ramp and 10th Street. Expect noise from asphalt removal operations and trucks entering and leaving the travel lanes.
  • Grading for sidewalk and curb installation on the east side of US 41 on 10th Street.
  • Sidewalk on the west side and east side of US 41 between 10th Street and 14th Street are open for public access. Pedestrians are advised to use the designated sidewalks and crosswalks. Intermittent sidewalk closures are expected as crews work in the areas.

Traffic signals on US 41 at 10th Street and 14th Street have been removed, and motorists shall follow roundabout signage and driving conditions. Motorist entering the roundabout regardless of direction of travel, are advised to YEILD to traffic already within the roundabout.

No left turns permitted within the project limits, except at the boat ramp, which has an exclusive left turn lane for north bound traffic.

Speed limit is reduced to 30 mph. Speeding fines are doubled in the construction area when workers are present.

Motorists are urged to use caution and watch for trucks and other construction equipment within the work zone.

Expect noise from excavators, vibration from rollers, back up alarms, trucks, and construction vehicles throughout the project corridor.

Work is expected during daytime hours, but some activities will require weekend and nighttime work.

Improvements being made as part of this project consist of reconstructing the signalized intersections and replacing them with roundabouts, enhancing connectivity, circulation and safety. US 41 will be widened between the two intersections and will include bike lanes as well as dedicated turn lanes, a 10-foot sidewalk along the west side, and a six-foot sidewalk along the east side. Other improvements include raised islands for pedestrian refuge at the intersections of US 41 at 10th Street and 14th Street, pedestrian signals, LED streetlights, landscaping, and City of Sarasota utility and underground drainage structure replacements. Expected completion is fall 2020. The contractor is IBT Construction LLC.

US 41 from First Street to Boulevard of the Arts, and on Fruitville Road from US 41 to Cocoanut Avenue: Construction project: Crews are constructing a roundabout at US 41 and Fruitville Road, a 12-foot multi-use trail on the west side of US 41 and a variable-width sidewalk on the east side of US 41; replacing existing underground drainage and utility structures, installing new LED streetlights and landscaping. Other improvements include raised pedestrian refuge islands and a HAWK pedestrian signalization system. Use caution and watch for changes in the traffic pattern. Wright Construction, Inc. is the contractor. Expected completion is fall 2020.

  • A new traffic pattern is in effect. Southbound traffic has been shifted onto the newly completed portion of the Roundabout on the west side of US 41. Northbound traffic on US 41 has been shifted to the newly completed east half of the roundabout. Two lanes of traffic on US 41 will be maintained in each direction during this phase of construction. Due to this traffic shift, the following maintenance of traffic will be in effect:
    • The northbound left turn movement from US 41 to westbound Boulevard of the Arts will not be allowed. The traffic in the left-hand northbound lane of US 41 will need to proceed to 10th Street and make a left turn at the 10th Street signal and turn left onto Van Wezel Way in order to access Boulevard of the Arts  and the amenities west of US 41. All other traffic movements at the US 41-Boulevard of the Arts intersection will continue to be allowed.
  • Fruitville Road will remain closed to westbound traffic between Cocoanut Avenue and US 41 during this phase of construction.  Motorists desiring to reach US 41 from westbound Fruitville Road will need to turn right onto Lemon Avenue, follow Lemon Avenue to 10th Street, then follow 10th Street to reach US 41. Detour signage is in place.
  • Access has been restored from northbound US 41 to Fifth Street, but there will be no access from northbound US 41 to Fourth Street and the alley located between Fourth and Fifth Streets.
  • No left turns are allowed from southbound US 41 to eastbound Fruitville Road (in effect through fall 2020).  Southbound motorists, if desiring to go east from US 41, will need to turn left at 10th Street, follow 10th Street to Lemon Avenue, turn right at Lemon Avenue and then follow Lemon Avenue to Fruitville Road. Detour signage is in place.
  • From Sunday, October 11, through Saturday, October 17, expect possible intermittent daytime and nighttime lane closures on US 41 between First Street and Boulevard of the Arts for roadway work.

US 41 from Blackburn Point Road to Preymore Street: Construction project: Crews are resurfacing the roadway, replacing the US 41 northbound bridge over North Creek, improving drainage, constructing sidewalks and installing new highway lighting. Expect nighttime/overnight northbound lane closures from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and nighttime/overnight southbound lane closures from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 a.m. Northbound traffic will shift to one of the southbound lanes, reducing traffic to one lane each direction. The traffic shift is expected to be in place for approximately eight months while crews reconstruct the northbound bridge over North Creek. Bergeron Land Development, Inc. is the contractor. Expected completion is spring 2021.

US 41 (Venice Bypass) from Center Road to Gulf Coast Boulevard: Construction project: Crews are widening US 41 from Center Road to Gulf Coast Boulevard to a six-lane highway; replacing traffic signals, installing new pavement markings and signage; installing concrete curb and sidewalks; improving new drainage, and installing new highway lighting. Use caution and watch for changes in the traffic pattern. The contractor is Bergeron Land Development, Inc. Expected completion is spring 2021.

  • A new traffic pattern is now in effect for the southbound and northbound lanes of US 41. Please watch for crews and use caution when traveling through the project corridor.
  • Pedestrian traffic has been shifted to the newly constructed sidewalk on the west side of the roadway and a temporary pedestrian access pathway has been established on the east side.
  • Crews are working within business driveways and in the right-of-way along the northbound and southbound lanes of US 41. Please watch for crews, use caution and follow flagger directions when turning into businesses and shopping plazas.
  • Motorists should expect temporary northbound and southbound lane closures on US 41 between Center Road and Gulf Coast Boulevard from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday, October 11, to Saturday, October 17, 2020, to perform drainage pipe installation.

SR 776 between Stout Street and Stoner Road: Maintenance permit project: There will be intermittent lane closures on both the inside and outside lanes for the eastbound and westbound lanes through November 30, 2020, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the construction of a left turn lane, right turn lane and driveway connection.  Please use caution and expect possible delays.

SR 72 Stickney Point Draw Bridge, Siesta Key: Bridge maintenance: Crews will be making routine repairs to bridge structure. There will be intermittent east and west bound right lane closures from Sunday, October 18, through Thursday, October 29, 2020. Work will take place during overnight hours from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. The contractor is DBI Services.

SR 758 Siesta Drive Draw Bridge, Siesta Key: Bridge maintenance: Crews will be making routine repairs to the bridge structure. There will be flagging operations during intermittent east and west bound lane closures from Sunday, October 11, to Thursday, October 15,  and Sunday, October 25, to Thursday, October 29, 2020. Work will take place during overnight hours from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. The contractor is DBI Services.

SR 758 (Higel/ Shell Avenue) from Little Pond Lane to Somerset Drive on Siesta Key: Construction project: This project improves drainage, resurfaces the roadway, and improves the sidewalk and shoulder on Higel Avenue from Little Pond Lane to Somerset Drive.

  • Crews are working on clearing the drainage easement and shoulder work.
  • Motorists should expect delays due to single lane traffic and flaggers.
  • Expect overnight construction from Monday, October 12, through Friday, October 30.

The contractor is Heavy Civil, Inc. Expected completion is fall 2020, weather permitting.