Should We Celebrate Halloween?
Every year, Americans spend billions of dollars celebrating a holiday that is deeply rooted in ancient pagan religious practices and that is considered to be one of the most important days on the entire calendar by Satanists, Wiccans and other occultists. Today, most people believe that our “Halloween traditions” are just good fun, but almost all of the most important traditions can be directly traced back to rituals that the ancient Druids would conduct during the festival of Samhain. For the Druids, this was a time when the veil between the living and the dead was the thinnest, and many of the practices that they instituted were designed to facilitate communication with spirits on the other side. In early America, the colonists were strictly forbidden from celebrating Halloween for religious reasons, but today only a very small percentage of the population rejects the holiday. In fact, one recent survey found that 74 percent of young parents believe that “Halloween is more important than ever this year”…
Americans are looking forward to Halloween to add some normalcy and joy to what has been a very serious and uncertain time. In a poll conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of NCA, 74% of millennial moms and young parents say that Halloween is more important than ever this year.
Even among hardcore conservatives and very committed Christians, Halloween is very widely celebrated.
And that is quite ironic, because many of the exact same people that are supposedly so concerned about the Satanists and sexual predators among the elite have no problem gleefully joining with them in celebrating one of their most important holidays.
The founder of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey, was absolutely thrilled that so many Christians choose to celebrate Halloween. He especially wanted children to celebrate it, and in the Satanic Bible he made it very clear how important this festival is to his master…
“After one’s own birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht (May 1st) and Halloween.”
In more recent times, Magistra Blanche Barton of the Church of Satan referred to Halloween as “this most unhallowed night”…