Mayor of Venice will make a last ditch effort to extend the face mask mandate, even though they can’t access fees and VPD finds it difficult to enforce

by Francesco Abbruzzino, Publisher, The Scoop News

A Resolution of the City of Venice, Florida, Extending the Expiration Date for Ordinance No. 2020-30 Regarding the Use of Face Coverings; and Providing for an Effective Date. This is on the agenda for the council meeting that will take place on 10.27.20


The biggest issue with this mandate was the fact that there were so many exceptions that it made it difficult for the VPD to enforce.  Then the Governor waived all fees associated with mask mandates and that basically killed this mandate.  However, the mayor appears to be continuing his quest to politicize the mask issue by pushing to extend his unenforceable mandate through the end of November.


To be quite honest, it has not impacted me at all.  I did not wear a mask prior to the mandate and I have not after the mandate.  I have been throughout Venice and it appears as though the population that this mandated targeted, are not dawning the face diapers.  There are so many reports out there showing how mask are ineffective against this virus.   Some state that mask are to protect others, but even the Direct of the CDC stated that the mask are to protect the wearer of them (   There are reports from virologist, epidemiologist, and many others illustrating that wearing mask does not protect others.   On the flip side, there are many reports showing they help.   The council decided to base their decision to mandate mask on a report supporting mask mandate, which was put out by the political leadership of Sarasota Memorial.


Personally, I wish the council would focus more on the issues impacting the city, versus passing a mandate that is unenforceable and that they can’t collect fees on………



