Gates Slams Vaccine “Conspiracy Theories” Targeting Him, Fauci 



Gates Slams Vaccine “Conspiracy Theories” Targeting Him, Fauci

by Ben Warren


Billionaire globalist Bill Gates lamented that he and Dr. Anthony Fauci have become the target of ‘baseless anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories’ that have gained ground in recent months.


“The whole digital media space where people are dealing with the bad news, the pandemic, has spun up a lot of conspiracy theories,” said Gates Wednesday on CNBC. “And the two people who are most targeted in those are Dr. Fauci and myself, in terms of, ‘Do we have some sort of maligned reason to think vaccines are important in general?’”


Gates later slammed Americans’ attitude toward masks and even equated that asking people to wear masks was similar to asking them to wear clothing.


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