Elderly Man, low key portrait, Pixy.org, CC0 Public Domain






Katarina Milmore


Ok….I have been thinking about posting this status with all types of anxiety after what I just went through, but if anyone knows the person I truly am, I do not back down!


Tonight I went to our local stop and shop, food mart, farm store…..yep I’m putting this out here! I have been going to this store for 15years, and I never thought it would come down to me witnessing all the disrespect, and hatred we have been dealing with is in my own back yard!


One of the best experiences I have ever had over the past 15 years In Venice is seeing one of the sweetest, most HARDWORKING, little old man (mind you he is in his late 60’s early 70’s, 2 owners), I have ever met! He literally gives me a warm fuzzy feeling everytime I go in there, and has literally praised me because of the hardships of what we have been through, and he would always give me the sweetest smile, and would say “Awe my Kat”).


Tonight I overheard some dude in front of me praising the owner/checkout guy saying how awesome he was, and this place wouldn’t be “shit” without him. Let me tell you the “sweet old man” I am talking about has worked for many people just trying to stay afloat, and send money to his family back home, and the locals know he has been there for many years working his ass off!


The minute I walked up trying to defend my favorite elderly man of 7 plus years the owner told me, “he doesn’t do shit, I should’ve fired him along time ago, and called me a #$ore!”, and told me to mind my own business the minute he knew I wasn’t on his side!) Mind you this is our local stop and shop! I have been a CNA for 12years advocating for elderly rights, but never in a million years did I think It would happen in my own back yard, because I stood up for an elderly man who I have seen working so hard for so long, but I will tell you the hardest part was breaking down, because I knew he was In back of me as the owner kept yelling. I don’t want him to lose his job, but OMG!! HOW DO PEOPLE JUST SIT BACK, AND RELAX…ELDER ABUSE IS REAL. I WISH I COULD SAY HIS NAME, BUT IM SMARTER THAN YOU THINK! People be a voice, this is the sweetest person I have ever met, this is not ok! Also for those who want to stay strong to the same dude who just called me whore while speaking up, you can definitely DE-FRIEND ME+!! #Iwouldnotsupportsouthvenicestopandshop


I will not shut up about this.