BOMBSHELL AUDIO: Biden, Obama Reportedly ‘Didn’t Really Want To Get’ Osama Bin Laden, ‘He [Was] Being Protected’
BOMBSHELL AUDIO: Biden, Obama Reportedly ‘Didn’t Really Want To Get’ Osama Bin Laden, ‘He [Was] Being Protected’
National File can provide recordings of a conversation between former U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA), Alan Howell Parrot, the CEO of The Union for the Conservation of Raptors (UCR), and Biden associate and attorney Brian Ettinger, in which Parrot claims he has verifiable intelligence about the whereabouts and patterns of movement of Al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden who, according to Parrot, traveled to Iran for extended stays in which he would vacation and participate in elite level falconry hunting.
According to Parrot in the conversation recorded on June 2, 2011, bin Laden traveled to Iran for between three and five months each year for the purpose of participating in elite level falconry hunting. Parrot explained to Weldon that he learned this when speaking directly with those responsible for organizing the hunts, who offered extensive details about bin Laden’s whereabouts in the country, information about a temporary hostage used to insure bin Laden’s good behavior while in the country, and other sensitive information about the terrorist leader.
Most shockingly, Parrot claims he was informed of a deal made between the Bush administration, then renewed and continued by the Obama administration, that allowed bin Laden to remain free and in charge of the terrorist organization on condition that he did not attack the United States in its own territories. Parrot says he went as far as to contact top level government officials in the Bush and Obama administrations, including those close to 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, in an attempt to cooperate with the U.S. Military. Parrot then claims he even organized a potential arrest of bin Laden in the country.
Listen to the five minute conversation between former U.S. Rep. Weldon, Parrot, and Ettinger: