Image by Mandyme27 from Pixabay



Are we going to witness the worst national emotional meltdown in U.S. history once this election is over?


Right now we are experiencing the calm before the storm.  Many Biden supporters believe that a Trump victory would literally be the worst thing that could possibly happen to our country, but at the moment most of them are quite confident that Biden will win.  Likewise, many Trump supporters are absolutely convinced that we will plunge into a horrifying socialist abyss if Biden wins, but for now most of them are convinced that the polls are wrong and that Trump will pull out another victory in November.  So with just a little over a week until Election Day, most Americans that really care about politics are pacified because they believe that a positive outcome is right around the corner.


But soon that will change, and tens of millions of Americans will simultaneously melt down emotionally right in front of our eyes.


I think that just about everyone realizes that this national temper tantrum is coming.  It is just that most of those that deeply care about politics assume that it will happen to the other side.


At this point, even Facebook is preparing for the worst.  In fact, they are getting ready to implement “emergency measures” that are usually reserved for the most “at-risk” countries…


As the U.S. braces for election-related unrest next month, Facebook executives are implementing emergency measures reserved for “at-risk” countries in a company-wide effort to bring down the online temperature.


The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that the social media giant plans to limit the spread of viral content and lower the benchmark for suppressing potentially inflammatory posts using internal tools previously deployed in Sri Lanka and Myanmar.


So what would those “emergency measures” look like?  Well, that could potentially even include manipulating your news feed to alter what sort of content you are allowed to see…


Facebook has a number of options it could take including “slowing the spread of viral content and lowering the bar for suppressing potentially inflammatory posts” and “tweaking the news feed to change what types of content users see,” the Wall Street Journal reported.


Of course Facebook has already been manipulating our news feeds for a very long time, but that is a topic for another article.


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