Will Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and CNN Attack and Take Down FOX, ABC and CBS Articles on COVID-19 Which Mirrored Our Report Retweeted by President Trump?
Will Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and CNN Attack and Take Down FOX, ABC and CBS Articles on COVID-19 Which Mirrored Our Report Retweeted by President Trump?
Gateway Pundit
On Sunday CNN slandered President Trump and the Gateway Pundit and encouraged Twitter to take down a tweet based on CDC data that we reported and the President retweeted.
But at about the same time FOX News, ABC and CBS published articles confirming our report. Will CNN and Twitter now redact their attacks on us and President Trump?
On Saturday night we posted an article about COVID-19 – SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses
The gist of the article is that COVID-19 is not nearly as deadly as first projected by the WHO and then by Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx. Based on CDC numbers this past week only 6% of all deaths attributed to COVID-19 were instances where the only factor in the individual’s death was due to COVI9-19.
From the CDC website.