The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office is once again joining Operation Chill™ 




The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office is once again joining Operation Chill™





The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office is once again joining Operation Chill™, the popular community service program sponsored by 7-Eleven stores.

This fall, sheriff’s office deputies and civilians will “ticket” youngsters who are caught in random acts of kindness, good deeds or positive community activities with free Slurpee coupons. Appropriate “offenses” might include being helpful, wearing a helmet while riding a bike or holding the door open for a stranger.

“Working in law enforcement gives deputies the unique opportunity to engage with children and families in different capacities every day,” commented Sheriff Tom Knight. “Just because we wear the uniform and carry the badge doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun and make memories with neighborhood kids along the way. We go into this line of work for a reason so I encourage my deputies to make the most of it every chance they get.”

Since the program’s inception in 1995, more than 22 million coupons have been distributed to law enforcement members in neighborhoods where 7-Eleven does business.